Friday, April 12, 2019

Getting Started on your Online Income

Your most likely asking yourself "How can I earn an Income Online?"

Generating an Online Passive Income is not hard at all. You just need to know the Basics and where to start.

What a lot of people earning an income online will suggest is creating your very own Blog to share/ advertise on.

Figure out your niche. A Niche is something that your interested in.
It can be anything from a Food Niche where you can share recipes, or a Travel Niche where you share places to vaction at. Whats great about Niches is that they can be pretty much anything your into.

Say you believe you dont know what to write or just dont enjoy typing a bunch of words on a computer screen to earn an income... Not to worry.

You can simply create a Blog and just share Online Ads on it and type the minimum amount of words. I explain sharing ads below...

Once you know what you want to Blog about its time to sign up with a Blog Site. I suggest since they don't charge you a ton of FEES.

Blogger is FREE to Sign Up, and Start! I believe the only thing they charge for is for your own Domain Name, which is an Option. If you decide not to pay for a Domain Name they will provide you with a free one!

Talk about Awesome!

I mentioned up above that what if your not a Writer?
Than Youtube will be your best friend!

All you have to do is simply hit record on your phone or computer start creating your video on a product or service you want to promote, add links down in your description section and BAM! its that easy.

Once you have your blog or youtube channel to share on or even both wouldnt hurt, honestly itd most likely increase your online income.

Now you want to sign up with an Affiliate Program.

There are SO MANY to sign up with. I suggest starting with Amazon, its a well known company people trust and its easy to use. Also sign up with Ebay. Not only are these two companies well known and trusted but they also sell all kinds of products and services!

Click Here to Sign up with Amazon

Click Here to Sign up with Ebay

To Do List to EARN Online:
This is a sum up of what you should do before moving on if you are serious about earning online.

Step 1) Create a Blog or Create a Youtube Channel 

Step 2) Sign up with Amazon and/or Ebay 

Step 3) Place Amazon and Ebay Ads onto your Blog and/ or Share Amazon and Ebay Links in your Youtube Description Section.

Thank you for reading and visiting Successfully Online! Dont miss out on my next post, I discuss how to get people to visit your Blog/Youtube and how to start making SALES.

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